My 1st post on February 09, the month of Valentine Day and Eros the Cupid have to work extra hard to fill the environment with LOVE :)
This post is specially dedicated for all the singles out there. I see lots of singles out there waiting for the cupid / god to arrange the fate so they could meet someone that is made for them ....
sometimes when they met the one made for them, they got chicken out and give themself an excuse saying that if she is mine, she will be mine someday
giving themself an excuse like I am not good with girl, I don't know how to talk to girl, I am afraid to make new friend
worst of all, some even blame it on the horoscope. Example is the cancerian that say themself is the family type of people. Therefore, they can't really socialize and like to stay home.
Come on, its your life. Do something for your life and start loving yourself by doing the right thing will you?
Quote of the Day
Adios and take care :)
This post is specially dedicated for all the singles out there. I see lots of singles out there waiting for the cupid / god to arrange the fate so they could meet someone that is made for them ....
sometimes when they met the one made for them, they got chicken out and give themself an excuse saying that if she is mine, she will be mine someday
giving themself an excuse like I am not good with girl, I don't know how to talk to girl, I am afraid to make new friend
worst of all, some even blame it on the horoscope. Example is the cancerian that say themself is the family type of people. Therefore, they can't really socialize and like to stay home.
Hey, wake up. Fates won't fall down from the sky, miracle don't just happen. So, if you really want to look for a partner, staying home, hiding in the room and facing the monitor ain't the solution. What do you expect?Expecting your hero to crawl out from your laptop?
Expecting your partner to crawl out from your laptop?
Come on, its your life. Do something for your life and start loving yourself by doing the right thing will you?
Quote of the Day
I have found in life that if you want a miracle you first need to do whatever it is you can do - if that's to plant, then plant; if it is to read, then read; if it is to change, then change; if it is to study, then study; if it is to work, then work; whatever you have to do. And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles. Jim Rohn.Finally, I shall end this post with a 1 of my favourite comic strip that I've saved it from a forwarded mail godzillion years ago. May you find your date for this valentine day, and may the date be the love are you seek for.
Adios and take care :)
eh joey.. you say i will find answer today.. where got.. first you say wait for who and who to arrange fate... not me leh.. i where got wait one :X ... then you said abt.. chicken out and give excuse if they are mine they will be mine... again not me leh.. i Wolfy one.. see one gal liao terus go hantam first :X lol... next you said.. excuse like not good with gals and dunno how to talk with gals? hmm... extremely not like me.. i am too wolfy to be like tat :X lol.. maybe the not good with gals part is true but talking... i am a clown man.. i dunt have problem with flirting :X ... and then you said abt horoscope and stuff.. hmmm.. i do read and believe them a lot but it never affect the way i flirt leh.. heck i dunt even remember what i read once i off the page.. i got bad memory :X ... lol.. so not me again.. whats next... ah.. no more..
but your quote of the day is right.. so is your "bloody" comic.. i need to get out more often and get to know more ppl.. nothing is gonna climb out my monitor or drop on my roof :) lol...
Hey Joey, I think its a good blog. Yea what u said really makes sense n especially those who always look at things so pessimistic.Hopefully its a good way to wake them up n do something bout life.....
-cheryl looi-
Re: comic strip:
haha! where can i kidnap a cupid??
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