After resting for a bit, I wash up and decided to do what I needed to do before I start my journey.
1100 – 1200 hr – Have a relaxing brunch (chicken rice) while choosing some pictures that I want to develop before starting my journey.
1200 – 1230 hr – Send the pictures for developing and get my car tyres checked!
1230 – 130 hr – Send my car for a wash, vacuum and waxing.
BEFORE (look at how dirty this baby is after traveling on a return trip of KL-Kelantan)

Washing Period (Covered with SNOW!!!)


1330 – 1400 hr – Get a haircut because my hair is kinda long now (he last time I got my haircut was 7 Oct 2009). Need to long nice during the journey and I don’t think I should have a slot to cut hair in Thailand.
The details of my 5K Thailand Trip 2009 are as following:-
Vehicle: Toyota Vios (Black) 1.5 S
Accommodation: Planning to sleep & shower in the car, by the petrol stations and will be staying in hotel some days. It all depends on situation.
Weapons / Equipment:
Nikon D50 (borrowed from my brother) , Red Dell 1555 Notebook and the following:-

My Travel Bag :)