First and foremost, I would like to apologize to all my readers / followers that I did not updates my blog for quite a loonggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time. The reason was I am kinda busy with work :D I am currently in the process of opening my 2nd company which is under the trading industry. Expected to open this shop on coming August or Sept 2009 (before Raya)
Ermm ... I don't know what more I should write because kinda "hang-kay" now coz I sorta got myself banned in facebook for being "overly-active"
1. It started with 2 nice warning pop-up message like this;

2. Then a warning that stop me from posting in any facebook wall;

3. A courtesy email to inform me about what I've gotten myself into;

This is how it looks like when I want to post in facebook wall; (They just don't allow me to do so)

And for those who wonder if I could email facebook to unblock me, here is your answer :)

Oh well, got block from posting in facebook wall ... SO WHAT? I still got MSN ma ... :D
So, I practically went to my MSN Live Messenger and add my facebook friend (which I did not have them on my facebook)
And ta-da ~!!! This is what I got -_-'

Sigh ... MSN cannot add new friend, nvm ... I can update my facebook status using twitter right?
Logon to facebook and tried to connect facebook and my twitter account ...
then this is the result ...

Right ...'s materials .... -_-'